1st Quarter |
"Hello There" (echo song)
"ABC song" (melody) "Clap, Wiggle, Stomp" (movement) "Voice Choice" (Four voice choices= shout, speak, whisper and sing) "Grizzly Bear" (Dynamics= how loud and soft the music is played, volume.) "Johny Mr. Brown" (movement) "Busy Bee" (echo song) "Grinding Corn" (melody) "Here I Go Up the Ladder" (pitch- high and low) "Spider" (rhythm) |
2nd Quarter |
"Bean Bag Rock N Roll" (Movement/ Steady Beat)
"Paint Song" (Movement) "Whacky Solfeg" (Melody) "Bam Chi Chi" (Movement) "Put Your Finger in the Air" (Movement) "Going On a Bear Hunt" (Form) "New Way to Walk" (Steady Beat) "Polly Wee" (Short and Long Sounds) "Presto Largo" (Tempo) |
3rd Quarter |
"Spring Has Sprung"
"Sharing" "Quarter Note" "Hickory Dickory Dock" (instrument Playing, singing and writing the Clock hands) "Nanny Goat" (Rhythm and instrument Playing) "Going On A Picnic" (Movement, song and instrument Playing) "Chickadee" (Rhythm) "On A Log, Mr. Frog" (Singing) |
4th Quarter |
Young Persons Guide to the Orchestra
"Storm Dance" (Instrumental) "Spring Has Sprung" (Singing) "Apples and Bananas" (Vowels) "Hockey Pokey" (Right and Left) "Hey Diddle Diddle" "London Bridges" "Forte/ Piano" (Music Terms) |
I Can Statements
I can imitate what the teacher sings or plays.
I can maintain a steady beat.
I can understand changes in music (soft-loud, high-low, fast-slow).
I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
I can interpret rhythm patterns using standard notation for half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes.
I can use standard notation to notate half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes.
I can use improvisation to create simple rhythmic and melodic variations on familiar melodies.
I can create rhythm patterns using half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes in duple and triple meter.
I can use singing, playing, and/or moving to respond to a variety of musical ideas, prominent musical characteristics, or specific musical events.
I can recognize contrasts in music, such as high/low pitch, loud/soft dynamics, fast/slow tempo, and same/different sections of music.
I can recognize melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, dynamics, and forms when presented aurally.
I can maintain a steady beat.
I can understand changes in music (soft-loud, high-low, fast-slow).
I can use correct position and technique to sing and play instruments.
I can interpret rhythm patterns using standard notation for half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes.
I can use standard notation to notate half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes.
I can use improvisation to create simple rhythmic and melodic variations on familiar melodies.
I can create rhythm patterns using half and quarter notes, half and quarter rests, and beamed eighth notes in duple and triple meter.
I can use singing, playing, and/or moving to respond to a variety of musical ideas, prominent musical characteristics, or specific musical events.
I can recognize contrasts in music, such as high/low pitch, loud/soft dynamics, fast/slow tempo, and same/different sections of music.
I can recognize melodic patterns, rhythmic patterns, dynamics, and forms when presented aurally.